Guides & Talks & Events

1. Guides

My Product-led Growth Guide 3.0 is the top-ranking Guide worldwide on the fundamentals of Product-led Growth.

“Product-led Growth for Sales-led” is a specific Guide for Sales-led companies who struggle to know where to start with Product-led Growth. It provides a riskless approach to approach PLG on a conceptual level and how to get the conditions right to get started.

My Business Case Guide walks you through from start to finish how to evaluate an opportunity on a real example.

The product-market Fit Guide helps you understand the fundamentals behind finding a product-market fit for any company size. It’s a fight that never stops.

How to build a strategy (Youtube)

This 7-part YouTube mini-series on Strategy will get you started on how to create a strategy from the ground up.

2. Upcoming Events

I will be giving the Keynote at “product camp” in Sao Paulo in December. Join me and 1,800 others to listen to 34 presentations, 4 stages on over 5,000 m2

3. Podcast appearances

Some of my treasured talks and recordings

ProductTea with Leah

Listen to it on Youtube
listen-on-spotify -

My Podcast is where I spill the tea on Product, business, product organizations, and the pain of scaling in SaaS Tech with heavy hitters from the industry.


Is product-led growth for you - One Knight in product

100 Product Strategies - PLG Strategy creation and differentiation

Product-Led Growth Introduction on the Product Quest

How I grew to 15’000 followers on Linkedin

Product-led Growth and Marketing

Cutting through the noise and busting product myths

How to lead great Product Teams

Surviving Puberty as a scale-up

4. My curated Knowledge Database

This free notion database features a curated list of every resource I think is valuable when it comes to business, product, growth, leadership, scaling…. everything.