Leah's curated knowledge database V2
The best 50+ resources I learned from in Product, Growth, Marketing, Sales, Orgs and Business
External Link: Grab it here for free!
Under the above link, you find a constantly updated list with sources that I think have a high impact to level up anyone’s skills in different areas from product, marketing, sales, org scaling, and business.
Over 50 of the best, vetted resources. Books, websites, articles, and podcasts that gave me value over the years. It’s not exhaustive, but great and I update the list regularly
It covers 5 areas:
1. Product Management & Product Leadership Skills
Follows the 12 core skills by Ravi Mehta’s Peak Product Management Skill Wheel
Customer Insight - Fluency with Data, Voice of the customer, User Experience Design
Influencing People - Managing Up, Team Leadership, Stakeholder Management
Product Strategy - Strategic Impact, Product Vision & Roadmapping, Business Outcome Ownership
Product Execution - Feature Specification, Product Delivery, Quality Assurance
Each source is targeted to either IC - Individual Contributor (Junior to Senior PM) and Product Leader (Group PM to VP / CPO, Founder)
2. (Product-led) Growth, Marketing
Growth is a function around user acquisition, but also retention and monetization. It is the logical fusion of product and marketing to chase customer success.
In order to really understand Growth and its expanded influence you need to get an understanding of Marketing first, especially if you reach out from Product.
3. Product-led Sales
This new category is now being populated with the latest and greatest in PLS as I’m finally getting around to building it.
4. Organization Building & Strategy
Understanding how to build your organization and that it is the main predictor of whether your teams can act efficiently is a table stakes for any leader. These resources taught me how to build a strategy first and then adapt the organization to it as it constantly breaks on the way to scale.
5. Business, Sales & Funding
Other interesting sources on Business, Sales, and Funding that I think deliver value in some way or another. These topics are more varied but serve as a great overview of another important silo that you want to understand: Sales
Sales are like Marketing an important lever to understand acquisition. The more you understand how they work, and what they need the more you will put yourself into a position to create a real impact.
External Link: Grab it here for free!
Thanks Leah! I use it not only for myself but also for my colleagues from other departments who are interested in learning more about product management. The way you’ve structured is very easy for them to browse and find what they want to start with.